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E-17.Gear shift drum

CB400F CB350F OIL SEAL SET / 8714.10

12 (E-1 Cylinder head cover)
14.15 (E-7 Crankcase cover)
10.11 (E-13 Piston, Crank shaft)
32.33 (E-15 Transmission)
26 (E-16 Shift drum)
15 (E-1 Cylinder head cover)
10 (E-8 Right Crankcase Cover, Clutch Lever)
7.8 (E-14 Crankshaft)
20.21 (E-16 Transmission)
24 (E-17 Gear shift drum)
Yamiya Number: E340
Shipping Weight: 134g
Manufactured by: AFTERMARKET
Part No:
91201324013 91202216000
91204259000 91201300003
91201323005 91205333005
91205333015 91207333000
91207333010 91206286005

¥4,950 (incl VAT)
¥4,500 (excl VAT)
This set can be used for CB350F, too.
Oil Seal14x24x5 (Honda part number 91202-216-005) is included but not needed for CB350F.

Engine Oil Seal Set Instructions
1 OIL SEAL, 6.5x14.5x7 1pc
2 OIL SEAL, 14x24x5 1pc
3 OIL SEAL, 16x28x7 1pc
4 OIL SEAL, 30x42x8 1pc
5 OIL SEAL, 30x45x8 1pc
6 OIL SEAL, 34x52x13.5x15.5 1pc
7 OIL SEAL, 34x9 1pc
8 OIL SEAL, 14x28x7 1pc

Motorcycle YAMIYA

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